2021: The year that showed me shege


3 min read

I don't even know how to start this but yeah month by month I guess.


I turned 17, Got my first pay in tech for a contract job I have been doing since November 2020 and I got another contract with the same place ( Kyshi ), I was able to get a new laptop and other small gadgets.


I think this was one of the worst months for me this year, I got burnt out and a lot of bad things just kept happening to me one by one.


My contract ended on the 15th and I took a break from coding for the rest of the month while I was still applying to Jobs, and yeah I got a new phone.


I received a couple of offers but there were not what I was looking for at that period in time, so I kept on applying and applying.


This was when job search started showing me shege, rejections emails were coming in so fast. There was a week I had 3 interviews, 2 weeks later I received rejection mail from all the 3 companies day by day, for that week I had at least 1 rejection mail for each day. At this point, my savings were already at sapa level, so I knew I had to stop rejecting gigs and take one cos sapa is no one's mate. I was recommended for a gig and I took it.


After almost a month at the gig I took, I realized the people at the place did not know what they were doing and I was doing a lot of nonsense work, so I had to quit without collecting the first 1/3 of the payment. Then this happened I joined the wrong company


Going into July, I was jobless again. I don't think anything worth mentioning happened this month apart from the fact that I was very sad that things were not working out as I thought they would but I kept on applying


For the first part of August, it was pretty much the same thing with July. Then one day, my helper(Olaoluwa) enter my dm and asked if I was available for a junior golang role and he told me everything about it and I said yes knowing I don't know more than the basics of golang. After some days we finalized and I started on the 15th, I was more than happy, I was soo soo soo soo happy lmao. Some days later my wish to work at Bitnob came true and damn August was a great month in the end.


I started at Bitnob, while I was still at Bumpchats once again nothing out of hand happened except that I was learning a lot and my golang was improving day by day.


My contract ended with Bumpchats.


I went to Abuja for the first time and I think this alongside January was the best month of this year. School started.


hehe, the month started amazingly and I was able to see most people I work with at Bitnob. Received 2 disappointments this month but yeah it is part of life and yeah Today marks my last day at Bitnob.

Well, this year has been amazing, things went from 100 to 0 to 100 to 0 but I am very grateful for where I am, my friends(really really really amazing people), and my family. I believe great things are coming in 2022, I did not set any goals cos I will end up forgetting them like this year and yeah I am turning 18 in a few days.