My Year in Review


4 min read

Well, This is a summary of how I spent my 2020. it might not be as impressive as you think it would be, but worth writing about.

First, I will like to point out the significant events that happened this year

  1. January - I turned 16.
  2. March - I saw the result of my jamb exam. I scored 290. which I think well I passed even though my father thinks otherwise.
  3. March - I picked up Flutter fully, and I joined the Lagos flutter group.
  4. March - I created my first repo, which was a Ui I was practicing from a YouTube channel. The link
  5. June - I joined HngInternship.
  6. August - I finished as a finalist in the Internship.
  7. August - I got my google play developers account
  8. August - I got my first offer for a flutter developer after loads of applications and rejection letters.
  9. September - I resigned from the Job.
  10. September - I started Golang.
  11. November - After a series of applications, Interviews, and rejections. I got a contract offer.

Well, I think I tried to cover the important stuff that happened. Well, my journey this year has mostly been in tech. It has been an interesting one so far and, of course, with its ups and downs. When I first started in Flutter, I could not download a course that I needed because it was 12GB. I have had many people that willingly sacrificed their precious time to help me. March, I met a man in the Flutter Lagos group called Daniel that had a 2-hour call with me to explain git and Github. As time went on, I met many people I can call mentors that helped me down this path.

Most importantly, I owe a significant part of my development to my sister, who sacrificed her laptop for me and my mom who bought me data many other times(though it took much explanation to convince her that I was into coding, not yahoo). Then during Hng, because I was quite lousy, I made many friends, and I had many mentors that helped me become a finalist. This year did not have as many wins as it may seem but I am looking forward to next year to be more and give more value. This year's best thing has to be the number of friends I have made coupled with my progress.

To my friends: Thank you for cooperating with the crazy me. To my mentors: Thank you for the advice and bug solution every time I bring them to your table. Well, That is that about that.

Happy New Year in Advance.